Thursday, October 16, 2008

Watching McCain-Obama Debate

Thursday, 16-October-2008 - Veghel - Got up at 0215 to watch the McCain-Obama Debate which was aired live at 0300. Normally, I'd just read about it in the newspaper, but I got a call from Brabants Dagblad journalist Ron Magnée yesterday afternoon as I was driving back from visiting Katherine in Oss. He'd like to watch the McCain-Obama Debate together with me at my home. I agreed after first checking with Marij. I'd have the coffee ready, and he'd bring popcorn. Wouter, Brabants Dagblad photographer from Venhorst also found his way to Spoorven 616.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Registering and Requesting an Absentee Ballot

Sunday, 14-September-2008 - Veghel - Yesterday, I checked deadlines for registering and requesting an absentee ballot in Michigan and New Mexico. Katherine submitted her registration and absentee ballot request by e-mail. I did mine using air mail--Michigan doesn't allow e-mail ballot processing yet. Rosan will submit her request today, and Chris doesn't care to vote--he is disillusioned. I asked him to think about it.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Keeping Up with the 2008 US Presidential Election

Saturday, 2-February-2008 - Veghel, the Netherlands - Last month, my volleyball teammate, Hans van Alebeek, asked me if I'd be interested to be interviewed by the Brabants Dagblad, our daily regional newpaper. The Brabants Dagblad was interested how American voters living in the Dutch province Noord-Brabant were keeping up with the 2008 US Presidential Election. The article was to be published on Super Tuesday. After some encourgement, I agreed.